MORE THOUGHTS SOON, today will be short, just a brief overview on what I did: today I continued my working out trend (good) finished some pre-semester stuff for class (good), practiced parallel parking (very good), and prepped for the T mobile call tmrw. Which leads me into why thoughts TOMMOROW!! because that will be my first potential day with this phone, so we will see how that goes! As for other things, I did have a pretty cool conversation about travel and how people appraoch it. Basically, similar to the conversation about why people should have interests beyond just "because it's cool" travelling to a city for a day just to be in thee city really doesn't teach you much or give you really any valuble experiences I think, travelling for a purpose, to see nature, to see an iconic place, this may be worth experiencing. But truthfully its hard to say you "visited paris" if you simply went there for a weekend to see the tower, its more you visited the tower. This is fine! but it tells you nothing of france, so if you say "I visted france" the equiv of "im a dj" because of the clout or because its something low effort that sounds kinda cool when you tell soemone, its just generally like "ok you did this to look good on instagram" its a nothing burger of a trip, and likely you pulled very little about france or about travel in general from it. Thats all for today, much more thoughts soon.