Today was again, the usual, and so not much to say of what I did. Bad news is the flip phone is getting postponed as things just keep coming up :( I'm pretty sad about it as it means its unlikely we will get the sim card until next week or later, very little problem but it makes me a little sad haha. anyway, I was thinking about convienence more and what it means to my daily life. Convience, I feel, buys me very little, it allows me to watch youtube on my phone, sure, it allows me browse the entirety of tne internet instantly, so be it. These things ARE very nice, but looking back, how often am I using these things for any quality purpose? basically never. 9 out of 10 times I am not on my phone for any productive or even FUN reason, I dont *enjoy* twitter or reddit and being on them is exclusively to kill time, not because I like it. what about movies? youtube? laptop, and beyond that physical media!! these on the other hand I enjoy! being on my laptop feels fine, using physical media is actually enjoyable, now all that's left is to employ these things.